3 Write. much many
lots of
"Hurry up," says Dad. "We haven't got' much
time. The plane leaves in five minutes.
We all pick up our bags and suitcases. We've got?
There are some trolleys, but you need coins to use them. Dad looks in his pocket.
"I haven't got
money," he says. Luckily, Mum has got“
Then we run to the departure gate. When we get there, there aren't ...
passengers. A man says, "Flight A387 will leave in two hours. Sorry for the delay."

3 Write. much manymuchlots of Hurry up, says Dad. We haven't got' muchtime. The plane leaves in f

ZaykaYmnik ZaykaYmnik    2   07.03.2021 19:11    10

NastyaBelmesova NastyaBelmesova  07.03.2021 19:20

2) Lot's of luggage

3) Much

4) не понятно к чему относится. Нужен конец предложения

5) Many

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