3 Write affirmative (М) or negative (X) sentences using the present continuous.
1 my cousin / study / English and German
2 1/have/ my lunch
3 you/read / your book X
4 Zeynep and Merve / use / video chat
5 my friend/do / that difficult homework X
6 we/ swim / in the sea X​

стас483 стас483    1   12.05.2021 17:46    1

Madwoman17 Madwoman17  11.06.2021 17:47

1 My cousin is studying English and German.

2 I am having my lunch.

3 You aren't reading your book.

4 Zeynep and Merve are using video chat.

5 My friend isn't doing that difficult homework.

6 We aren't swimming in the sea.

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