3. What are these things? Complete the sentences with words from the table.
game river fruit flower musical instrument vegetable

A potato is __ .
Football is __ .
The Volga is __ .
A piano is __ .
An apple is __ .
A daffodil is __ .

4. Say what you must/mustn’t:
1. wear a seat belt
2. look both ways when you cross the road
3. walk on the pavement
4. talk to the driver
5. run onto the road
6. lean out of the window


5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. always/London/to/go/we/spring/in.
2. usually/stay/we/a/hotel/in.
3. never/our/with/grandparents/come/us.
4. we/restaurant/go/a/often/we/to/the/evenings/in.
6. Complete the sentence with am, is, are, do or does.
I ___ a student.
she like her job?
4. Where ___ you live?
Moscow exciting?
Why you want to learn English?
We Russian.
What he do at weekends?
7. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
Listen! Somebody (sing).
I am sorry. I (not/ understand).
You can turn off the TV. I (not/ watch) it.
Sarah usually (walk) to school.

8. Odd one out. Circle out the odd word and explain your choice.
milk juice water oil
onion banana garlic tomato
meat lamb beef pork
apple orange carrot grape
9. Match the words in two columns to get expressions with containers and quantities.
1. A jar of
2. A bottle of
olive oil
3. A box of
4. A packet of
5. A loaf of
6. A bar of

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