3. вставьте вместо точек глаголы в нужном времени. madonna (1) … (be) a famous singer. she… (act) in several films as well. she … (write) a book some time ago which(4) … (become) very popular. she (5) … (travel) all over the world giving concerts. she (6) … (have) many hit songs already and she (7) … (make) more records in the future. she (8) … (act) in more films too. she (9) … (become) famous in the 1980’s and she (10) … (be) a millionaires now.

elena563 elena563    1   10.09.2019 15:10    25

почта6 почта6  07.10.2020 05:32
1 is
2 acted
3 wrote
4 became
5 was travelling
6 have had
7 will make
8 will act
9 became
10 is
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