3. вставьте соответствующие предлоги в следующие предложения. переведите предложения на язык. 1. … reply … your letter i would like to inform you that the date … my arrival … london is 15 april. 2. we send … your consideration a draft contract … importation … sports equipment to our country. 3.
dear mr. collins the organizing committee officially invites you to participate (1) … the work (2)… the seminar to be held (3) … 10th (4) … to 12th november this year.we would very much appreciate an early reply (5) … this invitation and hope we shall have the pleasure (6) … seeing you here.we
should be grateful (7) … you if you let us know the date (8) … your arrival.yours sincerely, s. johnson

Намиг123 Намиг123    2   08.10.2019 03:50    88

baby2525 baby2525  08.10.2019 03:50

чё 5 у меня

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