3 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Match the sentence halves. a her to dinner. b for her at the door. 1 Jamie and Hannah met 2 He played 3 She left 4 He waited a great time. d in a club 5 She gave 6 He invited 7 He took her 8 They had e to a nice restaurant. $ the club very late. g a song for her. h him her phone number

3 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Match the sentence halves. a her to dinner. b for her at the door. 1 Jam

MrDimon07 MrDimon07    3   25.03.2022 16:12    109

vigura2 vigura2  24.12.2023 14:47
1. Jamie and Hannah met for her at the door.
- In this sentence, the verb phrase "met for her at the door" means that Jamie and Hannah encountered each other when Jamie was waiting for Hannah at the door.

2. He played a song for her in a club.
- The verb phrase "played a song for her in a club" indicates that somebody (he) performed a musical piece specifically for her (possibly a girl he likes) in a club.

3. She left the club very late.
- The verb phrase "left the club very late" means that she departed from the club at a time that was quite late in the night.

4. He waited a great time for her to a nice restaurant.
- In this sentence, the verb phrase "waited a great time for her to a nice restaurant" suggests that he waited for her for a long period before taking her to a nice restaurant.

5. She gave him her phone number.
- The verb phrase "gave him her phone number" means that she provided her telephone number to him.

6. He invited her to dinner.
- The verb phrase "invited her to dinner" implies that he asked her to join him for a meal, specifically dinner.

7. He took her to a nice restaurant.
- The verb phrase "took her to a nice restaurant" indicates that he escorted her to a pleasant eating establishment.

8. They had a great time in a club.
- The verb phrase "had a great time in a club" means that they enjoyed themselves and had fun at a club.

In this exercise, we are given eight sentence halves on the left side and eight verb phrases on the right side. Our task is to match each sentence half with the corresponding verb phrase. To do this, we need to understand the meaning and context of each sentence and identify the verb phrase that properly completes it.

Step-by-step solution:
1. Look at the first sentence half "Jamie and Hannah met" and try to find a verb phrase that fits with it. Eliminate any options that do not make sense or do not complete the sentence. In this case, option B "for her at the door" matches the sentence half and completes the sentence logically. Therefore, we match sentence half 1 with verb phrase B.

2. Move on to the second sentence half "He played" and analyze the available verb phrases. Option G "a song for her" makes sense and completes the sentence meaningfully. Thus, we match sentence half 2 with verb phrase G.

3. Proceed to the third sentence half "She left" and examine the remaining verb phrases. Option $ "the club very late" is the only one that fits and provides a coherent meaning. Consequently, we match sentence half 3 with verb phrase $.

4. Consider the fourth sentence half "He waited a great time" and assess the remaining verb phrases. Option F "for her to a nice restaurant" matches the sentence half and creates a sensible completion. Therefore, we match sentence half 4 with verb phrase F.

5. Move on to the fifth sentence half "She gave" and analyze the available verb phrases. Option H "him her phone number" is the only one that makes sense and properly completes the sentence. Thus, we match sentence half 5 with verb phrase H.

6. Proceed to the sixth sentence half "He invited" and examine the remaining verb phrases. Option A "her to dinner" fits the sentence half and provides a logical completion. Consequently, we match sentence half 6 with verb phrase A.

7. Consider the seventh sentence half "He took her" and assess the remaining verb phrases. Option E "to a nice restaurant" matches the sentence half and creates a coherent meaning. Therefore, we match sentence half 7 with verb phrase E.

8. Move on to the eighth sentence half "They had a great time" and analyze the available verb phrases. Option D "in a club" is the only one that makes sense and properly completes the sentence. Thus, we match sentence half 8 with verb phrase D.

By carefully analyzing the meaning of each sentence and considering the provided verb phrases, we can successfully match each sentence half with the appropriate verb phrase for the given exercise.
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