3. Use the words in an appropriate form. Write the new words in the gaps.
My grandpa often says that we do not read enough. He loves literature and has always
been a keen . READ
According to my grandpa, a book should be the best companion of any teenager if he is
not lazy and ignorant person. Though I enjoy reading myself I cannot COMPLETE
agree with his opinion either.
It would be to call people lazy only because they do not have enough FAIR
time for reading.
Young people nowadays have to learn, do sports, take part in contests DIFFER
and competitions, and take exams.
They have to work with tons of . INFORM
It sounds strange but reading an book is a pleasure young people INTEREST
sometimes cannot afford.

elizavetawwwpotex elizavetawwwpotex    2   17.05.2020 12:58    9

nikomynenyzhen nikomynenyzhen  14.10.2020 21:08

1. keen on reading

2. completely

3. unfair

4. different

5. information

6. intresting

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