3. Use the cues to write sentences in the Past Simple and Past Continuous. Example: speak to a friend – accident happen
I was speaking to a friend when the accident happened.
1 buy a drink – suddenly see an old friend

2 play tennis – a big bird fly past me

3 watch TV – phone ring

4 visit France – meet my boyfriend

5 cook dinner – a stray cat /walk into the kitchen

nikasimonok2007 nikasimonok2007    2   30.03.2021 11:52    0

arustamianan arustamianan  29.04.2021 11:52
I was buying a drink when I suddenly saw an old friend.I was playing tennis when a bid bird flew past me.I was watching TV when the phone rang.I was visiting France when I met my boyfriend.I was cooking dinner when a stray cat walked into the kitchen.
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