3 Read the text again. Choose the correct
1 In 2050, there will be __ billion more
people living on Earth.
a ten b three c seven
2 Agriculture has destroyed a lot of__
a prairies, forests and steppes
b grasslands in South America
c forests in Central Asia
3 Most vertical farms will be in___
a buildings in towns and cities
b forests around the world
c underground laboratories
4. Some of the advantages of genetically
modified plants are that they___
a have bigger seeds and can grow faster.
b don't need much fertiliser or pesticides.
c can grow on land and in water.
5 Some scientists think that genetically
modified food might
a cost less than food produced on a farm
b taste better than the food we eat now
c be dangerous for people's health​

хорёк05 хорёк05    2   13.04.2020 15:05    6

умник20072 умник20072  27.04.2020 04:44

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