3 * Read the text again. Answer the questions.
1 What is the problem with most textiles?
They harm the environment.
2 What two reasons are there for this?
3 What is the problem with cotton production?
4 Why is the production of acrylic a problem?
5 How are textile production and climate change
6 What are some popular clothes brands doing?
7 Why don't scientists like the "green option"?
8 What is Piñatex?
9 What does the creator of Qmilk say about it?
10 What happens to fibres made out of food waste
when you throw them away?​

3 * Read the text again. Answer the questions.1 What is the problem with most textiles?They harm the

nomakade nomakade    1   12.05.2021 21:06    1

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