3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Who owned most of the land in Ireland?
2 What food did people eat?
3 What caused the potato plants to die?
4 When did the potato famine start?
5 What was the population at that time?
6 How many people emigrated to North
America during the famine years?​

Denis12o9 Denis12o9    3   11.11.2020 10:48    4

makushevvaleraozlps7 makushevvaleraozlps7  11.12.2020 10:52

1.The land was controlled by a few landowners with enormous estates

2. irish peasants had come to rely on just one vegetable, the potato for food.  

3.The disease was caused by a fungus

4.in 1845

5.millions of people had nothing to eat  

6.From a population of about 8 million, over 1 million people emigrated to North America


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