3. Read the dialogues and correct the mistakes. a. A: She was the world champion a year ago.
B: Neither was he.
b. A: They didn't win the match last Friday.
B: So did we.
C. A: I was cooking my dinner when the phone rang.
B: So did we.
d. A: Jack has never scored a goal.
B: So is Bill.
e. A: My dog isn't sleeping.
B: Neither isn't mine.

3. Read the dialogues and correct the mistakes. a. A: She was the world champion a year ago.B: Neith

ekaterintys ekaterintys    2   27.01.2021 19:40    3

oiopiha oiopiha  26.02.2021 19:42
В первом диалоге будет neither she
Во втором будет so they didnt
В третьем будет so did i
В четвёртом so did bill
В пятом neither isnt me
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