3. Read and fill in: am, is or are.
Example. What are you doing?
1) The baby ... sleeping.
2) L... wearing a mac.
3) ... you painting your faces?
4) Mum and Dad ... eating hot dogs.
5)... your sister making a sandcastle?
4. Read and choose.
Example. What are you eating?
a) I'm earing ice cream.
b) Here you are.
1) Are you having a good time? 3) What are you doing?
a) I'm having lunch.
a) I'm reading.
b) Yes, I'm.
b) I'm fine. Thanks.
2) Who's playing a game?
4) Is everything OK?
a) It's Sam
a) Oh, yes.
b) Well, have fun.
b) Sam is.​

prvvk prvvk    1   22.04.2020 01:53    2

Алиса345780 Алиса345780  18.08.2020 01:22

1) is 2) is 3) are 4) are 5) is.

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