3 Read and circle.
1 This photo took / was taken by my
2 I invited / was invited all my friends to my birthday party.
3 This picture painted / was painted by a famous artist.
4 Jenny sent / was sent her cousin an email yesterday.
5 The children gave / were given lots of homework last week.
6 Mike scored / was scored a goal in the football match.
4 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple passive. V Irregular verb list Workbe
1 Emma was given (give) a watch for her birthday.
2 Two statues
(steal) from the museum last night.
3 The Eiffel Tower
(build) in 1889.
4 Our house
(decorate) last year.
5 These books
(write) a hundred years ago.
6 I
(teach) to ride a bike when I was five.

penkoania penkoania    1   19.05.2020 21:54    3

ирина1853 ирина1853  15.10.2020 01:19
Was takenInvitedWas paintedSentWere givenScored


уже сделаноWere stolenWas builtWas decoratedWere writtenWas taught
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