3. read about two peole who changed the world then put the verbs in the past simple.1) mohandas mahatma gandhi was (be) born on october 2nd 1869 in porbandar india. he *study) law at university college. london and then ) as a lawyer in south africa in 1915 and ) to india. he (become) the leader of
the fight for indian indepence from the british. gandhi spent seven years in prison and india ) independent in 1947. mahatma gandhi ) in 1948 .2) emmeline goulden was born in manchester england in 1858. she ) richard pankhurst a lawyer and they ) five children in 1889 emmeline ) the women's party to
fight for the vote for women. they ) a lot of problems with the police and in 1912 emmeline ) to prison twelve times. they finally ) the vote for all women in 1928. emmeline ) in the same year.ex-4 fill in the gaps in these questions. there in one gap for each word.1 when was gandhi born? in 18692
what he law3 he as a lawyer? in south africa4 he south africa? in 19155 years spend in prison? seven6 emmeline goulden in manchester england7 she richard pankhurst8 children they five9 she the women's party? in 188910 die? in 1928​

sesew228 sesew228    1   08.10.2019 07:31    20

Katyakat20050904 Katyakat20050904  10.10.2020 03:38

1 текст: studied, worked, returned, became, became, died.

2 текст: married, had, started, had, went, won, died.

2.did he study.

3.Where worked.

4.When did go.

5.How many years she.

6.Where was she born

7.Who did she marry

8.How many children did they have

9.When did she start

10.When did she die

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