3 Put the verbs into Present Simple Active or Passive. Films (1) (make)at film studios. First, a film script
(2) (write) Then, actors (3) (choose)
They (4) (learn) their roles. The film maker (5) (look) .
for a producer who (6) (give) money for the shooting.
When the money (7) (find) , the team (8) (get)
together. Make-up (9) (put on) the actors, the cameraman
(10) (prepare)
his camera and the shooting (11) (begin)
When the last scene (12) (shoot)
special effects. (13)(create)on the computer. Finally, all scenes (14)(put) together . In fact, film making (15)(take) a lot of time.

тамусік тамусік    1   19.05.2021 20:11    0

wof1234 wof1234  19.05.2021 20:20

1 made

2 wrote

3 chose

4 learnt

5 looked

6 gave

7 found

8 got

9 put on

10 prepared

11 began

12 shooted

13 created

14 put

15 took

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