3. put the verbs in brackets into present perfect or past simple. tom: i (1) (watch) jaws 2 on tv last night. (2) (you/ever/see) it? jane: yes. i (3) (buy) the video last week. i (4) (always/like) shark films. (5) (you/move) house yet? tom: of course! i (6) (already/decorate) the sitting-room and bedrooms. my wife and i (7) (be) very busy recently. jane: i (8) (see) your wife yeaterday. is she at home now? tom: i (9) (go) to the shops. jane: well, i (10) (not/do) my shopping yet, so i'd better go.

karrr123 karrr123    2   29.09.2019 12:10    7

арма6 арма6  09.10.2020 02:43

I (1)watched Jaws 2 on TV last night. (2) have you ever seen  it? Jane: Yes. I (3) bought the video last week. I (4) always liked shark films. (5) have you moved house yet? Tom: Of course! I (6) have already decorated the sitting-room and bedrooms. My wife and I (7) have been very busy recently. Jane: I (8) saw your wife yeaterday. Is she at home now? Tom: I (9) went to the shops. Jane: Well, I (10) I haven’t done my shopping yet, so I'd better go.

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