3. поставьте глагол в форму past simple, past continuous, past perfect или past perfect continuous. to take greg didn’t answer the phone because he … a shower. i couldn’t find my umbrella, but then i remembered that my sister … it to school. frank … the candle and walked downstairs. we … the exam for 2 hours when a policeman entered the room. to wash i saw sam in the kitchen. he … his hands. they … their windows last spring. by the time i came home jane … already the dishes. his wife … the mushrooms since the early morning, so he decided to help her. to do by midnight he … all the work. i … my homework when you phoned. dad … that crossword since morning. she … her hair and left for work.

kuchakshoevaZ kuchakshoevaZ    3   13.08.2019 09:00    5

Сокол111111111 Сокол111111111  08.09.2020 13:54
1 was taking
2 had taken
3 took
4 had been taking

1 was washing
2 washed
3 had already washed
4 had been washing

1 had done
2 was doing
3 had been doing
4 did
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