№3. поставьте данные слова в правильном порядке так, чтобы получилось предложение. 1. highly, electronics, we, developed, need, new, and, materials. 2. many, our, we, various, in, houses, devices, electric, have. 3. the rivers, industry, seas, oceans, becoming, are, by, polluted, seriously.

Annet483 Annet483    1   02.09.2019 17:30    1

вирона1 вирона1  06.10.2020 12:49

1 We need new highly developed electronics and materials. 2 We have many various electric devices in our houses. 3 The rivers,seas,oceans are becoming seriously polluted by the industry.

Ичиносе Ичиносе  06.10.2020 12:49

1.We need new highly developed electronics and materials.

2. we have many various electric devices in our houses.

3. rivers, seas, oceans are becoming seriously polluted by the industry.

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