3. “must i take my umbrella? ” “no, you . it`s not going to rain.” a) mustn`t b) needn`t c) have to d) don`t 4. i think john translate this document. a) have to b) will have c) has d) will have to 5. i breakfast when the phone rang. a) had b) have c) am having d) was having 6.”it’s a pity you haven’t seen that play.” “but i have, i it last week.” have seen had seen saw was seen 7. he would be very happy if you what he asked. do did will do have done 8. since morning, there no rain. a) are b) have been c) is d) were being 9. when the doorbell i was having a bath. a) rang b) rangs c) rung d) ringed 10. he in love with her over a year ago. a) fell b) has fallen c) falls d) felled 11. you come tomorrow if you have something else to do. a) needn't to b) don't need c) mustn't d) needn't 12. i (listen) to the radio while mary (cook) dinner. you (buy) this book yesterday? last friday jill (go) home early because she (want) to see a film. when your brother usually (get) home in the evening? jane always (bring) us a nice present. what those people (do) in the middle of the road? (read) this book? while fred (sleep), judy (watch) tv. when i (be) young, i (think) mary (be) nice — but now i (think) she’s fantastic. jill (walk) home when she (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema i __ go to see the doctor last week because i was very ill. a) must b) must to c) had to i could __ bought that car but i didn't have enough money to pay for the petrol. a) had b) have c) have to alice (not to take) the bus to school every day. she usually (to walk) to school. when (know) your examination results? 26. i speak french without a problem now because i have had many lessons. a) may b) can c) have d) must to 27. this isn't a difficult task, so you be able to complete it by friday. can should mustn't couldn't 28. i'm going to make a cabinet out of our spare wood pile. however, i have to buy some extra wood for the finishing touches. can must may couldn't 29. i couldn`t come to the party because i go to work. had had to have have got 30. which country from? a) tom is coming b) does tom come c) comes tom d) is coming tom

марина1916 марина1916    1   23.09.2019 18:50    20

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