3 Make a poster about a famous city. Follow the steps in the project checklist. PROJECT CHECKLIST
1 Work in small groups. Choose a famous city to write about.
2 Find information on the internet about:
where the city is
• what the main language is
what the population is • some popular tourist sights
If you can, add more information.
3 Write a short text about your city using the information you found.
4 Find some photos of the popular tourist sights.
Find a map of the country to show the location of the city.
6 Make a poster with your text, map and photos.
7 Present your city to the rest of the class.

саидолим саидолим    2   12.04.2021 19:12    3

Dima25688 Dima25688  12.05.2021 19:13

Я нашла ответ :) если неправильно то извените ¶^¶ старалась как могла

London is located in England. This city is very popular. London is home to 8.982 million people. People in London speak English. This city is also the capital of England. In London, there is a very famous attraction — Big Ben. Big Ben is a clock tower that symbolizes England.

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