3. Find proper definitions Meet, flesh, livestock, game, edible, pork, muscle
1) soft part, esp. muscle, between the skin and bones of animal bodies;
2) flesh of animal used as food, excluding fish and birds;
3) animals and birds hunted for sport and food;
4) farm animals kept for use or profit; I
5) fit to be eaten;
6) elastic substance in a n animal body than can be tightened or loosened to produce movement;
7) flesh of a pig (usually flesh, not salted or cured) as food.
Flesh: soft part, especially muscle, between the skin and bones of animal bodies.
Livestock: farm animals kept for use or profit.
Game: animals and birds hunted for sport and food.
Edible: fit to be eaten.
Pork: flesh of a pig (usually fresh, not salted or cured) as food.
Muscle: elastic substance in an animal body that can be tightened or loosened to produce movement.
Meet: flesh of an animal used as food, excluding fish and birds.