3. Fill in reflexive pronouns.
1. When you have all had a swim, you should dry …. with towels.
2. Quick! Jimmy has hurt ……!
3. All the people in the meeting introduced …… to us.
4. I hope the children behaved……
5. My dad cut…. while shaving yesterday.

DashaZhur1752 DashaZhur1752    3   22.03.2020 21:07    3

bartosz04 bartosz04  12.10.2020 02:38

1. When you have all had a swim, you should dry yourselves with towels.

2. Quick! Jimmy has hurt himself! (если Jimmy здесь женское имя, то будет herself)

3. All the people in the meeting introduced themselves to us.

4. I hope the children behaved themselves

5. My dad cut himself while shaving yesterday.

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