3 Complete the sentences with has / have been, has / have gone or went.
1 Lucy isn't at home. She's gone to the sports centre.
2 We haven't had a holiday this year, but last year we
to Brazil.
3 We've got plenty of food - 1
to the
supermarket yesterday.
4 She knows Madrid very well. She
lots of times since she moved to Spain.
5 I love water sports. I
surfing in lots of
different countries.
6 l hope Toby is enjoying the summer. He
to Italy for six weeks.
4 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use the correct present​

3 Complete the sentences with has / have been, has / have gone or went.1 Lucy isn't at home. She's g

maksimkasuslov1 maksimkasuslov1    2   26.02.2021 12:08    33

5676116788 5676116788  26.02.2021 12:10


2 went

3 have been

4 has gone

5 have

6 have been


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