3. : complete the sentences. use the superlative form of the abjectives. 1. lake superior is the lake in america. (big) 2. ali is one of the students in my class. everyone lices him. (popular) 3. my sudject is geogrfphy. i only got 32процента in the last exam! (bad) 4. this is the flat in the building because it^s near the road. (noisy) 5. libya is the contry in the world. in the summer it^s sometimes 58градусов.(hot) 6. you can^t buy that jacket. it^s the thing in the shop! (expensive) 7. we always go out and have a good time on saturday. it^s the day of the week. (good). это первое его надо выполнить вставить какие-то слова, 4.: put the words in the right order and make sentences. 1. travel/ veronica/ going/ i^m/ with/ to. 2. tent/ going/ mike^s/ in/ slepp/ to/ a. 3. any/ buy/ aren^t/ to/ we/ going/ clothes. 4. library/ to/ us/ outside/ going/ meet/ the/ they^re. 5. in/ stay/ not/ a/ i^m/ to/ hotel/ going. 6. invite/ her/ to/ you/ going/ jane^s/ party/ to. это второе тут надо поставить чтобы было все нормально и читалось божественно. 5.: complete the conversations. use going to. а: the day in london? (you/ spend). в: yes, my cousin sarah. (i/ see) me at victoria station. (she/ meet). а: what ? (you/ do) в: a boat trip down the river. (we/ take) а: to france? (your parents/ drive) в: no, the car. (they/ not take) for some cheap plane tickets on the internet. (dad/ look). тут просто ну надо сделать прочитайте потом делать, плочу круглые и не просто тупо перевести а сделать

Antyan11 Antyan11    1   25.08.2019 10:50    5

agzamov03 agzamov03  02.08.2020 23:54
№ 3
1. biggest
2. most popular
3. the worst
4. noisiest
5. hottest
6. most expensive
7. best

1. i^m going to travel with Veronica.
2. Mike^s going to sleep in a tent.
3. We aren^t going to buy any closes.
4. They^re going to meet us outside the library.
5. i^m not going to stay in a hotel.
6. Jane^s going to invite you to her party.

№ 5
A: Are you going to spend...
B: Yes, I am going to see... She is going to meet...

A: What are you going to do?
B: We are going to take...

A: Are your parents going to drive...?
B: No, they aren^t going to take the car. Dad is going to look...