3. complete the following by using - ever
1. john is free to go anyplace he wishes. he can
ever he wants.
2. john is free to go anytime he wishes. he can go wl
_ he wants.
3. i don't know what you should do about that probl,
do_ whadeve seems best to you.
4. there are five flights to chicago every day. i do
care which one we take. we can take whichewaone
best with your schedule.
5. i want you to be honest. i hope you feel free to s
whatweis on your mind.
6. however leads a life full of love and happiness is rich
7. no one can tell him what to do. he does wheneve
he wants.
8. if you want to rearrange the furniture, go ahead. you
can rearrange it
you want. i don't care one way or
the other.
9. those children are wild! i feel sorry for womad has
to be their babysitter.
10. i have a car. i can take you when you want to go.
11. scott likes to tell people about his problems. he will
talk to
will listen to him. but he bores
he talks to.
12. to ellen, the end justifies the means. she will do
she has to do in order to accomplish her objective.
13. i have four. take - one pleases you most.
14. my wife and i going to ride our bicycles across the
country. we'll ride for six to seven hours every day, then stop
for the night
we happen to be.
15. irene does
she wants to do, goes_​

eaglez91Aidana eaglez91Aidana    3   18.09.2019 14:27    46

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