3 ** Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 if we
leave (leave) now, we
will be
(be) at the airport on time.
2 If 1
(not have) a big suitcase, how
(1/ pack) everything?
3 I think the plane ticket
cheaper if you
(buy) it now.
(not take) my phone charger if
(take) yours.
(you/ bring) your swimming
costume if we
(go) to a place with
a swimming pool?
6 If he
(not turn down) the music,
think the neighbours
But it
(not be) a problem if he
(put) his headphones on.
7 How
(they / go) on holiday, if they
(not have) passports?
(be) angry.

Shanmao Shanmao    3   09.02.2021 06:42    0

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