3 Complete the dialogues with will
or won't and the verbs in the box.
help tend
tend not come carry
not watch phone show do
worry. I'll lend
'I haven't got enough money for the bus.'
you five euros.'
1 'The swimming pool closes at 12.00
today. I
swimming this
afternoon then.'
2 'Our daughter has had an accident?
the doctor at once.'
3 We can't find our hotel.' 'The tour guide
you where it is.'
4 I've lost my camera.''Don't worry.
5 'There's a great travel programme on TV,
but I
it. l-
homework instead.' 'Good idea!'
6 I think I've got too many bags!' 'It's OK.
My brother
some of them
for you!
you to find it.'

kerikmr1 kerikmr1    1   11.04.2021 17:02    14

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