3 ** Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
your bed the shopping your room
the vacuuming the car the washing-up
the ironing
Pete Can I have £5 to go out, Mum?
Mum £5? You're joking! You don't help
around the house at all. You never
make your bed, or tidy'
I can't do 2
in there,
because there are clothes and
magazines on the floor!
Pete Okay, okay, I'm going. What else do you
want me to do?
Mum If you want £5, you can do
after lunch, and you can
clean 4
before Dad goes
to the supermarket to do
Pete All that for £5? All right then. But
Mum ...
Mum Yes?
Pete Can you do
? I want to
wear my new shirt to go out!

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