3.7 Check in (hotel)
a) Insert the words and the word combinations
Double room – номер на двоих (c двумест-ной кроватью) An accommodation – свободное размещение/номер Twin room -Номер с двумя односпальными кроватями Partly - частично
Inside room – комната с окнами во двор Outside room – комната с окнами на улицу Single room – номер на одного Suite - люкс
Reception - администрация To dial - набирать

- Can I help you, sir?
- Yes. I have with your hotel
- Have you reserved a room?
- I wrote you from Astana last week
- What’s your name, please?
- Aibolov.
- Yes, we received your letter Mr. Aibolov. We have reserved a for you.
- I wonder if there is a private bath in this room.
- Yes, this room has a private bath and a TV with a mini bar.
- Is it or ?
- It’s an outside room on the eighth floor – room 816
- I believe this room is quiet. I don’t sleep too well.
-Yes, this room is very quiet as it is on the eighth floor, and you don’t hear much street noise.
- Do you need a morning paper, Mr Aibolov?
- Yes, please. The Times, please.
- And are you here on business, Mr. Aibolov?
- It’s business, pleasure. I’ve never been to London before and I’d like to see the city.
- You may get all necessary information and guides over there, sir. Can you sign here, sir?
- Here you are.
- Thank you. Here is your key. Your room is 816 on the eighth floor. Don’t forget that breakfast is served from 7 till 10 in the morning in our restaurant right behind the . Do you need help with your luggage?
- No, thanks. Where is the elevator?
- Sorry, sir?
- Oh, the lift, please. Where is the lift?
- It is over there. And if you need any help use the telephone dialing 2, and for room-service 4.
- Thank you. I hope you’ll like it here.
- I hope so too.

Foxmem Foxmem    1   20.10.2021 02:16    1

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