3.3.1. Complete the questions. 1) Were there many or few people in the hall? 2)you been to France or Italy?
3) it raining or snowing outside?
4)you have to get up early or late yesterday?
5)there a pen or pencil on the table?
6) Jane been learning or teaching Russian for a year?
и ниже фотка продожение

3.3.1. Complete the questions. 1) Were there many or few people in the hall? 2)you been to France or

bolshakova2014 bolshakova2014    3   24.08.2021 16:27    4

Nastya348624 Nastya348624  24.08.2021 16:30

2. have

3. was

4. did

5. is

6. has

7. are

8. will

9. will

10. can/does

11. will/ are Kate or Ann able to

12. would

13. does

14. does

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