2выберите нужное 1. he (is playing / plays) tennis on monday. 2. the train (leaves / is leaving) paris at 2.30. 3. alex (is getting / gets) married next month. 4. i don’t know what i (am doing / do) this evening. 5. sue (is coming / comes) to see us tomorrow. 6. the art exhibition (opens / is opening) on 3 may. 7. (does the film begin / is the film beginning) at 3.30? 8. the film (starts / is starting) at 2 this afternoon.

AMORVL AMORVL    2   28.07.2019 11:40    2

0508761681 0508761681  07.08.2020 16:31
1. plays
2. leaves
3. is getting
4. am doing
5. is coming
6.is opening
7. Does the film begin?
8. starts
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