прочитайте текст с пропусками. заполните пропуски, обозначенные

буквами a–e, выбрав подходящие слова из списка 1–8. используйте каждое

слово только один раз. три слова лишние.

1. man 2. may 3. monument 4. people

5. tried 6. play 7. tree 8. could

ilya muromets

ilya muromets went to kiev to defend rus from evil. a monster lived in the

forests of bryansk, half a a half a bird, called solovei razboinik. the

monster b fly and lived in a big nest situated on twelve trees. he had

a family like all c and he could kill strangers with his powerful

whistle. the trees lost their leaves and the people fell dead when the monster

whistled. solovei razboinik d hard to kill ilya muromets but nothing

happened to the bogatyr. ilya muromets came to the monster and shot an arrow at

his right eye. when the monster fell down from the e ilya muromets

put him into his sack and took to the glorious city of kiev.

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