2a. Work in pairs. Say what Nikita's class did and didn't do on the school trip to Dudutki.
Model. They didn't have lunch at Dudutki. They went to the
walk in the water park egalabb nape
have lunch
go to the bakery
go to the museum
drink kvas
eat fresh bread
take a horse shoe home my pueño no seu feed the sheep
buy gifts (сувениры)
see old cars mo pero led as
go to the farm-uncoqueto na goepiny
ride horses kaTaies MA MAN
take photos of the farm animals
feed the ducks
feed (KOPMYTĖ) - fed

Write 5-6 sentences about Nikita's school trip. Use ex. 2a.

Grebeshe Grebeshe    1   17.10.2021 07:21    3

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