29 а) Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо. ... Browns live in ... London. ... family is large. There
are ... four children in ... family. Mr Brown is ... doctor. He
is always very busy. Mrs Brown is ... housewife. ... their
son John is ... 25. He is ... sailor. John sails on ... board ...
passenger liner. His liner calls at many ... foreign ports.
John likes his profession very much.
Mr Brown’s daughters Mary and Jane are twins. They
are very friendly. The girls go to ... sc ool. They do well a t ...
school. Their small brother Bob is only five years old. He is
... nice boy.
... Browns like staying a t ... home at ... weekends. They
usually have ... good time together.

Kotofeyka5585 Kotofeyka5585    1   08.11.2021 01:37    12

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