28 Complete the present perfect sentences with a suitable word. I know! He's already told me.
1 She, complained yet.
2 I've been interested in horoscopes read that magazine.
3 He hasn't passed his exam. 4 He's shot a video.
5 They. just come back from holiday.
6 I sill done my homework.
7 We haven't eaten meat six months.

28 Complete the present perfect sentences with a suitable word. I know! He's already told me. 1 She,

макашария макашария    1   22.07.2021 09:03    2

Anny505 Anny505  21.08.2021 09:59

1. She hasn't complained yet.

2 I've been interested in horoscopes since I read that magazine.

3 He still hasn't passed his exam.

4 He's already shot a video.

5 They have just come back from holiday.

6 I still haven't done my homework.

7 We haven't eaten meat for six months.

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