28.4 Write sentences with I think... should... Choose from:
have a holiday, go to university, sell it, go home now, go to the doctor

1. I It's late. I think we should go home now.
2. Your car is very old. I think you
3. They need a change. I
4. He doesn't look well.
5. She's very intelligent.

Write sentences with I don't think ... should... Choose from:
stay there, phone them now, go to work today, get married

6. It's very late. I don't think you should phone them now.
7. They're too young. I don't think
8. That hotel is too expensive for us. I
9. You're not very well. ​

gleb3003 gleb3003    3   22.03.2020 19:22    11

BektasB BektasB  23.08.2020 16:55

1. It's late. I think we should go home now.

2. Your car is very old. I think you should sell it.

3. They need a change. I think they should have a holiday.

4. He doesn't look well. I think he should go to the doctor

5. She's very intelligent. I think she should go to university.

6. It's very late. I don't think you should phone them now.

7. They're too young. I don't think they should get married


8. That hotel is too expensive for us. I don't think we should stay there

9. You're not very well. I don't thinl you should go to work today


1. Уже поздно. Я думаю нам пора идти домой

2. Твоя машина очень старая. Я думаю тебе следует продать её.

3. Им нужно проветрится/сменить обстановку. Я думаю им следует взять выходной.

4. Он выглядит не очень. Я думаю ему стоит посетить врача.

5. Она очень умная. Я думаю ей надо поступать в университет.

6. Уже очень поздно. Не думаю, что стоит звонить им сейчас.

7. Они слишком молоды. Я не думаю, что им следует жениться.

8. Этот отель слишком дорогой для нас. Я не думаю, что стоит в нём останавливаться.

9. Ты выглядишь не очень. Я не думаю, что тебе не стоит идти на работу сегодня.

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