26. who said that they the palace the following day? a) would have visited b) would visit c) will visit d) are going to visit 27. we agreed that all the plans the following year. a) will realize b) would realize c) would be realized d) will be realized 28. when i last saw him he was dressed . did either of his parent die? a) black b) in black c) black suit d) in black 29. she is so afraid of that when she saw one in her kitchen she climbed onto the table. a) mouse b) mouses c) mices d) mice 30. his him a lot of a) business brings, revenues b) business bring, revenue c) business brings, revenue d) business bring, renevus 31. the dinner mary prepared smelt but tasted a) good, terrible b) well, terrible c) good, terribly d) well, terribly 32. he couldn't agree to as a robber. a) be looked b) be looked at c) have been looked d) looked 33. when i asked him for advice he told me that man. a) not to marry b) that i didn't marry c) that i marry d) to marry with 34. i asked him to look after my children and he . a) did for me b) did so c) looked c) did as 35. i invited her to the party but she said that she a) cannot come b) couldn't come c) stays at home d) didn't like come 36. i wanted to discuss the trip with her but when i came she already. a) has left b) left c) had left d) have left

nikadik2000 nikadik2000    3   01.07.2019 12:10    1

Lenaaaa111 Lenaaaa111  24.07.2020 20:55
26. b
27. d
28. b,d
29. d
30. c
31. a
32. a
33. a
34. b
35. b
36. a
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