25 variant ii i. complete the sentences with the following words successful, solve, burglars, quiet, suddenly, tiring, scared, obey, a hammer and nails, bushes, isolated, extinct, creating, crowded, reserve, convenient 1. how was your flight? - it was . 2. i'm of spiders. 3. she's a designer. she succeeds in making her own clothes and jewellers. 4. i'd like to a place at your camp. 5. swimming in the pool can be great but also very dangerous, so you must the lifeguards. 6. plushenko e. is the most figure skater in russia. 7. we are using to build nesting boxes. ii. choose the correct form 1. hvorostovsky d. is one of the opera singer. a. most talented b. more talented 2. she can't drive, a. isn't she b. can she 3. he didn't go to the party yesterday, a. didn't he b. did he 4. i haven't finished my project . a. just b. yet 5. this is the house he was born. a. which b. where 6. you do it tonight. it's urgent. a. has to b. have to iii. put the verbs in brackets into the correct form i'm sure our life (be) very different in 2050.she (work) as a teacher for ten years.max (read) a newspaper when he ) a loud noise in the garden. 4. (people\live) in underwater cities? i (learn) english since 1998. iv. choose the correct response 1. can you help me send an e-mail? a. no problem. first of all turn on your computer. b. access your e-mail account. 2. would you like to go on a picnic? a. that sounds great! b. what's that all about? 3. can you send me an e-mail with the details? a. that's fine! b. certainly. 4. i find sitting exams the most stressful. a. don't mention! b. i don't agree!

ohotniktv509 ohotniktv509    1   25.09.2019 11:50    2

cirnololi cirnololi  16.08.2020 22:05
I. 1) tiring
2) scared
3) successful
4) reserve
5) obey
6) successful
7) a hammer and nails

II. 1) a) most talented
b) can she?
b) did he?
b) yet
b) where
b) have to

III. will be
has been working
was reading ... heard
Have people lived / Did people live
have been learning

IV. 1. a)
2. a)
3. b) 
4. b)
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