25 .
. 57.7. use past simple or present perfect of the verbs in brackets. translate into russian.

1. “you (to see) jane today? ” — “yes, i (to see) her at about nine, but i not (to see) her since then.” 2. i always want to go to scotland, but i never (to manage) to get there. 3. bob (to want) to be a bodyguard until he (be) fifteen. 4. “we not (to see) much of helen lately. you (to see) her? ” 5. i (to be) ill a lot last year. 6. i (to be) ill for two weeks. 7. “how’s your new job? ” — “everything (to be) all right up to now.” 8. nelly (to go) to america on holiday ten years ago, and she (to live) there ever since. 9. he (to climb) quite a lot of mountains, but he never (to be) up everest. 10. you ever (to study) a musical instrument? 11. alex (to have) an enormous amount of work last week. 12. we (to have) a very busy week. we need a break. 13. when you first (to fall in love)? 14. how long ago you (to meet)? 15. how long you (to be) in your present job?

liza2002623 liza2002623    3   04.10.2019 17:06    3

Rav1112 Rav1112  09.10.2020 20:03

Упр. 57.7. Use Past Simple or Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets. Translate into Russian.

1. “Have you ( seen) Jane today?” — “Yes, I (saw) her at about nine, but I have not (seen) her since then.”

2. I always want to go to Scotland, but I have never  managed to get there.

3. Bob (wanted) to be a bodyguard until he (was) fifteen.

4. “We have not ( seen) much of Helen lately. Have you (seen) her?”

5. I (was) ill a lot last year.

6. I (have been) ill for two weeks.

7. “How’s your new job?” — “Everything (has been) all right up to now.”

8. Nelly (went) to America on holiday ten years ago, and she (has lived) there ever since.

9. He (has climbed) quite a lot of mountains, but he was never up Everest.

10. Have you ever ( studied) a musical instrument?

11. Alex (to have) an enormous amount of work last week.

12. We (have had) a very busy week. We need a break.

13. When did you first  fall in love?

14. How long ago did you ( meet)?

15. How long have you (been) in your present job?

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