23.4 Write sentences with I think . Al the senten 1 (Diana/ pass the exa) I think Diana will pase
2 (Jack/ win the game) I thinks
3 (Sue/like her present)
4 (the weather / be nice tomorrow)
Now write two sentences with I don't think ...
5 (they/get married) I don't
6 (I be at home this evening)
надо составить предложения сегодня первый ответ лучшй​

ИрБи562 ИрБи562    3   07.03.2021 14:53    5

AndreySolmikov AndreySolmikov  06.04.2021 14:53

1 I think Diana will pass the exam.

2  I think Jack will win the game.

3  I think Sue will like her present.  

4  I think the weather will  be nice tomorrow.  

5 I don't think they will get married.  

6  I don't think I will be at home this evening.


После I think  или I don't think в предложении нужно поставить will перед глаголом.

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