22 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Past Simple Tense. 1) She likes reading. She often ... (to read) books in the evenings.
2) Yesterday she ... (to read) an article about a famous pop star.
3) I ... (to meet) Sandy some days ago. 4) I sometimes ... (to
meet) them in the library. 5) It often ... (to rain) here in spring.
6) It ... (to rain) heavily yesterday. 7) We usually ... (to have)
six lessons on Wednesdays. 8) Yesterday we ... (to have) five
lessons. 9) Mark is a hardworking student. He rarely (to
miss) classes. 10) Mark ... (to miss) school last Monday because
he ... (to be) ill. 11) The children ... (to drink) fruit juice every
day but yesterday they ... (to drink) milk. 12) They usually ...
(to go) to the countryside every weekend. 13) It ... (to be) cold
last Saturday and we ... (not to go) to the country. 14) Margaret
(often not to get) messages from her friends. 15) Margaret ...

elizavetaivlic elizavetaivlic    2   13.11.2020 19:00    3

khfozilzhonov khfozilzhonov  13.12.2020 19:22
... wasdrink...drankgowas didn't godoesn't often getgot
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