22. complete the sentences. example: in the city gardens are smaller than in the country (small). 1) in the city houses are than in the country. (tall) 2) in the city bridges are than in the country. (long) 3) in the city streets are than in the country. (wide) 4) in the ci ty rivers are than in the country. (dirty) 5) in the country houses are than in the city. (small) 6) in the coun try rivers are than in the city. (clean) 7) in the country gardens are than in the city. (big)

nastushka208 nastushka208    3   15.08.2019 01:40    2

mykmin001 mykmin001  08.09.2020 14:53
1) In the city houses are taller than in the country. 
2) In the city bridges are longer than in the country.  
3) In the city streets are wider than in the country.
4) In the city rivers are more dirty than in the country.
5) In the country houses are smaller than in the city. 
6) In the country rivers are cleaner than in the city.
7) In the country gardens are bigger than in the city.
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