21. - your car is dirty. - i know. i (wash) it tomorrow. a) am going to wash b) are going to wash c) will wash 22. he (want) study law? a) do he want to b) is he want to c) does he want to 23. we would like (come) home at 6 o’clock. a) to come b) come c) coming 24. they (not/understand) us. a) won’t probably understand b) probably won’t understand c) probably understand won’t 25. he might time outdoors at the weekend. a) spending b) spend c) to spend 26. (they/sleep) now? a) are they sleep b) are they sleeping c) does they sleeping 27. i (already/write) a report. a) has already written b) already have written c) have already written 28. you phone anybody at night. a) can’t b) can c) have to 30. you observe the laws of the country where you live. a) can’t b) don’t have to c) have to 31. baikal is (deep) lake in the world. a) the deepest b) the most deep c) deeper 32. she is (responsible) than her colleagues. a) responsibler b) the most responsible c) more responsible 33. i have interesting books which i can give you to read. a) some c) any c) a 34. is there milk in the bottle? a) some b) any c) a 35. there are flowers in the garden. a) little b) much c) many 36. how money do you need? a) much b) many c) few 37. the water cold. a) is b) are c) – 38. the girls polite. a) is b) are c) –

zanna10091976 zanna10091976    2   03.07.2019 17:10    2

Coolplay Coolplay  27.07.2020 16:29
21. a); 22.c); 23. a); 24. a); 25.  b); 26. b); 27. c); 28. a); 30. c); 31. a); 32. b); 33. a); 34. b); 35. c); 36. a); 37. a); 38. a).
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