21. I ran …. Pete in sport school yesterday. a) into b) on c) across 22. We …. reduce waste. a) needn’t b) have to c) shouldn’t 23. I think you …. practise more. a) can’t b) should c) needn’t 24. …. you …. the film last night? a) have seen b) has seen c) did see 25. What … you … at 6 o’clock yesterday morning? a) did do b) were doing c)are doing 26. Does Tom get … well with his sister? a) by b) off c) on 27. It’s easy for tourist to get … the city by train. a) to b) in c)off 28. My flight arrives … London at 10 p.m. a) in b) on c) by

drgotika2011 drgotika2011    2   20.05.2020 02:00    10

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