203. напишите отрицательные предложения. употребите местоимение any 1. she has got some cheese. cheese. 2. there is some bread on the table. bread on the table. 3. they have got' some work to do. work to do. 4. she bought some carrots. carrots. 5. he takes some books.

alexsashinav alexsashinav    3   07.07.2019 09:50    2

Anyazolotiya Anyazolotiya  30.07.2020 17:51
She hasn't got any cheese.
there isn't any bread on the table.
they haven't got any work to do.
she didn't buy any carrots.
he doesn't take any books.
moyutot moyutot  30.07.2020 17:51
She hasn't got any cheese.
there isn't any bread on the table.
they haven't got any work to do.
she didn't buy any carrots.
he doesn't take any books
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