20/. определите времена в языке. 1)they will be posted tomorrow. 2)when will we have new pens for the office? ~ they will be bought tomorrow. 3)have they typed the papers? they must be typed in the afternoon. 4) have you brought any news? it should be brought soon.

gireeva00 gireeva00    2   01.10.2019 03:10    1

Mimi67392 Mimi67392  09.10.2020 06:54

1. Fiture simple passive

2. Future simple, future simple passive

3. Present Perfect, present simple passive

4. Present perfect, present simple passive

elizabetfox1222 elizabetfox1222  09.10.2020 06:54
1) future simple
2) future simple
3) present perfect
4) present perfect
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