look at the climate chart after ex. 1 and descride the typial winter/summer weather

1) the place where you live 4) the north pole
2) london 5) the crimea
3) florida (usa) 6) south america

always / clear
/ generally / hot/cold
/ usually / cloudy
it s / often / rainy/sunny
/ sometimes / nasty
/ occasinally / windy
seldom / wet/dry
hardly ever / cool

tkalenko03 tkalenko03    3   10.10.2019 18:22    82

zdima2939 zdima2939  10.10.2020 05:50

1) the place where you live - здесь напиши свою погоду, того региона где проживаешь.

2) London- sunny,cloudy  it s.

3) Florida (USA) 6) South America- windy, cold,rainy.

4) The North Pole-hot,sunny, dry.

5) the Crimea-hot,  sunny, dry.

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