20. Lisa didn’t know how to get to the museum, so she asked a local to tell her where A was it В it was C is it

21. You … get a taxi to the airport. I’ll give you a lift if you want.

A mustn’t В don’t have to C can’t

22. This is … idea you’ve ever had, Joe!

A the worse В the worst C worst

23. If Julie … to come with us, she’ll have to be here at 8:00.

A will want В would want C wants

24. Walter has made … very clear; he will not accept responsibility for the damage.

A itself В himself C his self

25. The teacher told us … the classroom until the test ended.

A don't leave В to not leave C not to leave

26. The salad needs some oil and a … of salt.

A litre B teaspoon C pinch

27. This school … in the 1960s.

A was built В built C had built

28. … I use your phone, please?

A Should В Must C May

29. Mark really needs to speak to you. He … you every five minutes for the last two hours!

A has been calling В is calling C was calling

30. If you buy more than three books at this shop, they … you a better price.

A are giving В would give C will give

Nelai54 Nelai54    2   23.05.2020 19:31    2

Fantom792 Fantom792  18.08.2020 22:26

20. b

21. b

22. b

23. b

24. b

25. c

26. a

27. a

28. c

29. a

30. c


asimagasanova asimagasanova  18.08.2020 22:26

20  is it

21 сan

22 the worst

23  wants

24  himself

25 don't leave

26  pinch

27 had built

28 may

29 has been calling

30 would give
