2. заполнить пропуски нужными словами last saturday i was at an air show with a friend . jeff, my friend, is considering a careerin aircraft (1) and that's why he is interested in aviation and the prospects for thisindustry. among the planes(2) at the show, a light jet caught jeff's attentionimmediately. to me it was just a nice elegant blue-and-white jet, but jeff's description wasmuch more(3). he said that it was a single-pilot jet with two engines, which has anautomated cockpit and can five or six passengers. he also said that the jet is a verynoticeable(4) in air craft construction for years and it may have a wide application invery different spheres. its non-disputable(5) is that it can land on a runway muchshorter than a runway required by the smallest jet now being flown. jeff even predicted that the new jet would be used as an air taxi. and he may be right-in the near future business people can be attracted to these jets because they will get where they need to go much faster and cheaper than on a charted business jet. the official at the show said that unfortunately the jets cannot be delivered to the customers immediately assome technical(6) still need to be resolved. after the show i was wondering if that jetcould become an attractive(7) to daily commuting one day варианты ответов: 1 a) accomplishment b) pollution c) engineering d) science 2 a) presented b) offered c) invented d) designed 3 a) creative b)innovative c)professional d)advanced 4 a) innovation b)solution c) decision d) garget 5 a) question b) technology c) discovery d) advantage 6 a) knowledge b) development c) experts d) issues 7 a) alternative b) breakthrough c) technology d) device

ПоляБондарь ПоляБондарь    1   29.06.2019 18:20    2

stiles1996 stiles1996  23.07.2020 16:19
Привет , 1)С    2)b    3)c   4)a   5)d   6)d   7)c
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